Madagascar Daily News for August 2, 2024 – STUDENTS’ DEMONSTRATION | PRM IN ANGOLA | PUBLIC TREASURY | Vaccination Awareness | LAND SECURITIZATION



In a recent statement, the Union of Teachers-Researchers and Researcher-Teachers of Higher Education (SECES) condemned the use of force against students at the Higher Polytechnic School of Antananarivo (ESPA) in Vontovorona, who would not have demonstrated if the officials had respected their commitments. The union also denounced the acts of vandalism and destruction of commercial premises that occurred by the protesters this week. SECES urges students to remain calm in the face of the various problems currently facing higher education and scientific research. Regarding the security forces, the union hopes that they will fulfill their duties using non-violent means.



President Andry Rajoelina was honored at the National Assembly of the Republic of Angola during his state visit to Luanda. He was invited to speak at the Tribune of the Hemicycle. At the Tribune, in front of the Parliamentarians, the President recalled that in 1975, Madagascar was one of the first countries to recognize the MPLA (People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola), which is the majority party in the Angolan Parliament. “This historical solidarity is the foundation on which we can build a common future,” he said. A reminder that was applauded by the National Assembly. Andry Rajoelina also highlighted the promising future of cooperation between the two countries, in accordance with the values of pan-Africanism and South-South cooperation, which he believes are “the key to success.” “Our cooperation is now directed towards strategic sectors such as sustainable management of mineral resources, with an emphasis on sharing and transferring know-how,” he said.



The “First In, First Out” (FIFO) technique consists of prioritizing the processing of the first files received at the single counters at the public treasury’s accounting offices in order to complete them first. The objective is to prevent irregularities and ensure more transparency in this service. In the context of implementing the application for the acceptance and processing of payment voucher files, an information session on FIFO was recently organized for the orderlies of the General Cash Office of Antananarivo (PGA).



Composed of approximately 80 members, the “model moms” club was created in the southwest of the country to support basic health centers in promoting routine vaccination of children as well as vaccination against COVID-19. Its objective is to voluntarily encourage mothers to adhere to vaccination and reassure them about the benefits for better health, but also to address parents’ questions and share the experiences of members who have had their children vaccinated. According to UNICEF, the creation of a club of model moms, champions of vaccination, strengthens the demand for routine vaccination of children and vaccination against COVID-19. It specifically aims to value the positive action of mothers for their own health as well as for that of their children in preventing vaccine-preventable diseases. Thanks to their commitment and perseverance, exemplary moms have succeeded in convincing a large number of parents to vaccinate their children. Mothers make appointments based on recommendations from some exemplary moms they know.



A study by Transparency International – Initiative Madagascar (TI-MG) on corruption in the land safeguarding process in Madagascar reveals that 47% of the respondents have been victims of corruption. This study, conducted as part of the Land and Corruption in Africa (LCA) project, was presented yesterday at the Panorama Hotel. It identifies active corruption, embezzlement, abuse of power, as well as the payment and/or solicitation of bribes as the most common forms of corruption in the sector. National land service agents, from Communes to land counters, and fokontany authorities are particularly implicated. To fight against corruption in this sector, TI-MG recommends the implementation of regular and independent control systems at each level of decision-making to prevent monopolies and abuse, avoiding political appointments to positions of high responsibility, allocating an adequate operating budget to the land administration, and adapting land legislation to the Malagasy reality while making it accessible.

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