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Madagascar News Overview for July 6, 2024

Weather Forecast, Police Station, National Parks, Air Quality, Polio Vaccination, BEPC Results, World Bank Funding, and Scientific Research on Humpback Whales



According to the forecasts of Météo Madagascar, a cold front will persist in the south of the country this Saturday, July 6, resulting in mostly dry weather. Minimum temperatures will decrease in the central highlands, while maximum temperatures will increase. For Sunday, July 7, the influence of the cold front in the south of the country will continue. Maximum temperatures will continue to rise over a large part of the island.

Date: 06/07/2024 05:00


The district of Anjozorobe now has a police station. This police station, which was established to ensure lasting security in the locality, is now operational. The Anjozorobe police station has been equipped with motorcycles and the police officers working there have been provided with uniforms during the inauguration led by the Minister of Public Security last Friday, July 5.

Date: 06/07/2024 06:00


Despite the growing challenges of climate change and human pressures, Madagascar National Parks remains determined to conserve the unique heritage of Madagascar, where 80% of plant species and 90% of animal species are endemic. MNP presented its strategic vision for the next five years at the annual summit of partners, “Impulse 2024: Together for our Reserves and National Parks”. For more concrete impacts in biodiversity conservation, this strategic plan envisages an increase in the cost of managing national parks by $6 per hectare, which are currently the responsibility of MNP, compared to the current $3 per hectare. Madagascar plans to mobilize its partners to achieve this goal. The 2024-2028 strategy of Madagascar National Parks also aims to maintain ecosystem services and improve the well-being of communities living near protected areas. It also ensures the financial sustainability of the network, optimizes governance and management, strengthens the recognition of Madagascar National Parks at the local, national, and international levels, and promotes better synergy of intervention among all stakeholders and partners. It is worth noting that Madagascar National Parks manages 43 Protected Areas covering a surface area of over 2 million hectares, including 7 classified as World Heritage sites and 5 RAMSAR sites.

Date: 06/07/2024 07:00


The air quality in Antananarivo remained moderate during this week. Fine particle concentrations are close to or above the threshold recommended by the WHO. For the next three days, weather conditions are expected to remain favorable for the accumulation of pollutants, but the air quality is generally expected to remain moderate, according to Météo Madagascar.

Date: 06/07/2024 08:00


After a first vaccination campaign in May, a second polio vaccination campaign is scheduled from July 9 to 12 throughout the country, targeting children under 15 years old.

Date: 06/07/2024 09:00


The results of the BEPC have already been published in certain school districts in the country, such as Andramasina and Iakora. According to the Ministry of National Education, the pass rate for the BEPC is respectively 74.16% and 64.35% in these two CISCOs.

Date: 06/07/2024 10:00


Infrastructure accounts for the largest share of the World Bank’s financing in Madagascar. 34%, amounting to 1,390 million dollars, is indeed allocated to infrastructure, according to the institution’s portfolio in March 2024, which amounted to 4.1 billion dollars and included 26 national projects and 4 regional operations. Sustainable development is in second position (29%: 1,215 million dollars), followed by human development (26%: 1,092.8 million dollars), and fair growth, finance, and institutions (11%: 435 million dollars). The World Bank also provides analysis and advisory services to support evidence-based decision-making and more rigorous implementation of development in Madagascar.

Date: 06/07/2024 11:00


Since July 4, Cétamada has been conducting a scientific research campaign on humpback whales for the 2024 season, in collaboration with CNRS, CEFE, and the University of Antananarivo. The campaign will last for 2 and a half months and will focus on behavioral, acoustic, genetic, and biological studies of humpback whales. A scientific team of 17 people will conduct these studies in the Sainte-Marie Channel, with the deployment of Cétamada’s Research I and Research II boats.

Date: 06/07/2024 12:00


Agents from the Civil Aviation of Madagascar (ACM) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have completed a one-week training, delivered by the International Civil Aviation Organization, on drone regulations in Madagascar. This training aims to help states ensure that drone operations are conducted safely and in accordance with international standards.

Date: 06/07/2024 13:00


The Tiako i Madagasikara party, founded by former President Marc Ravalomanana, is celebrating its 22nd anniversary. During these 22 years of existence, the party has experienced ups and downs but has always actively participated in the life of the nation. In various elections held in the country, TIM has always managed to have elected officials, whether they are municipal councillors, mayors, or deputies. It should be noted that out of the 22 deputies recently elected under the colors of the opposition platform Firaisankina, 16 are from the Tiako i Madagasikara party. In the previous legislature, 16 TIM deputies were also elected, representing 2 provinces. Following the legislative elections held on May 29, 16 TIM deputies were elected, representing this time 3 provinces of Madagascar, it was indicated. The former ruling party is currently preparing for local elections. During the various speeches delivered today on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the party, it was emphasized that TIM will continue to fight against all forms of injustice, in order to establish the rule of law and for the true development of Madagascar and the Malagasy people. The other opposition parties grouped within the Firaisankina have expressed their solidarity in this struggle.

Date: 06/07/2024 14:00


The FORMAPROD program (Professional Training and Productivity Improvement), under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and funded by the IFAD, is coming to an end after 10 years of implementation. Under the program, 105,624 young people have received agricultural and rural training, 69,032 have been supported in their professional integration, 81,465 have received application kits, and 35,410 have received startup kits. In terms of infrastructure, the program has been involved in the development of 4,280 hectares of land. 64 training centers have been built and rehabilitated, and 59 centers have been equipped. Furthermore, 27 marketing, processing, and storage units have been built and restored. In order to improve market access, 156 km of tracks have been rehabilitated. In total, 53,128 new jobs have been created.

Date: 06/07/2024 15:00


The last Queen of Madagascar honored at Rovan’i Madagasikara with an exhibition hall dedicated to her on the second floor. Collections of Ranavalona III (1861-1917) are on display, including six exceptional items that belonged to the Queen, loaned to Rovan’i Madagasikara for one year by the Yavarhoussen Collection. Among these items are two portraits of Queen Ranavalona III during her exile in Algiers, one painted by Trevor Haddon and the other a pastel paper created by Henriette Eudel. In addition to the collections of the last Queen of Madagascar, 19 selections of authentic fine art works are also exhibited on the second floor of the Rova, some of which survived the November 1995 fire.

Date: 06/07/2024 16:00


For the week of July 08 to July 14, 2024, the expected minimum temperatures will generally range between 04°C and 19°C, according to Météo Madagascar. The absolute minimum value is expected in the Antsirabe district. For the North, the expected minimum temperatures will range between 11°C and 19°C; for the East between 08°C and 18°C; for the West between 09°C and 19°C; for the South between 09°C and 14°C; and for the central highlands between 04°C and 15°C. As for the expected maximum temperatures, they will generally range between 20°C and 35°C for the period of July 8 to July 14, 2024. The absolute maximum value is expected in the Mitsinjo district. For the North, the expected maximum temperatures will range between 24°C and 31°C; for the East between 20°C and 28°C; for the West between 24°C and 35°C; for the South between 23°C and 33°C; and for the central highlands between 22°C and 32°C.

Date: 06/07/2024 17:00

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