Discover Nosy Be in Madagascar: diving, boat excursions, and fishing villages


Discover Nosy Be: a paradise island in Madagascar

Introduction to Nosy Be

Located off the northwest coast of Madagascar, Nosy Be is a tropical island renowned for its white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and exceptional biodiversity. Nicknamed the “perfume island” due to its ylang-ylang, vanilla, and sugar cane plantations, Nosy Be offers an idyllic setting for an unforgettable vacation. With its year-round warm climate and diverse landscapes, the island attracts both beach lovers and adventure and nature enthusiasts.

Nosy Be is also an ideal starting point for exploring the surrounding islands and reefs, offering a multitude of activities such as scuba diving, boat excursions, and discovering fishing villages. Whether you are an experienced diver, a nature lover, or simply seeking relaxation, Nosy Be has something to satisfy all your desires. Let’s dive into the wonders that this enchanting island has to offer.

How to get to Nosy Be

To reach Nosy Be, several options are available. Fascene International Airport, located near the main city of Hell-Ville, welcomes regular flights from the capital Antananarivo, as well as from some international cities such as Paris and Johannesburg. Once at the airport, you can easily reach your accommodation by taxi or shuttle. It is also possible to take a domestic flight from other regions of Madagascar to reach Nosy Be.

If you prefer a more adventurous approach, you can opt for a ferry crossing from the port of Ankify, on the northwest coast of Madagascar. This option allows you to enjoy breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean and an initial immersion into the local atmosphere. Whichever method you choose, your arrival in Nosy Be will mark the beginning of a memorable adventure on this paradise island.

Scuba Diving in Nosy Be

The Best Diving Sites

Nosy Be is a true paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts, offering a variety of diving sites suitable for all levels. Among the most popular are the Mitsio Archipelago, located northeast of the island, where divers can explore spectacular coral reefs and impressive rock formations. Another must-visit site is Nosy Tanikely, a protected marine reserve renowned for its crystal-clear waters and abundant marine life.

For those seeking more unique diving experiences, the shipwrecks of Nosy Iranja Island and the underwater caves of Nosy Sakatia offer unforgettable adventures. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, local diving centers offer guided expeditions led by professionals, ensuring a safe and rewarding exploration of the underwater world of Nosy Be.

Marine Fauna and Corals

The richness of marine fauna around Nosy Be is simply breathtaking. The warm and clear waters of the island are home to a multitude of marine species, ranging from colorful tropical fish to majestic manta rays and sea turtles. Divers also have the opportunity to encounter dolphins, whale sharks, and, during the season, humpback whales that migrate to the region for breeding.

The coral reefs of Nosy Be are equally impressive, offering a spectacle of vibrant colors and varied shapes. The hard and soft corals create a perfect habitat for diverse marine fauna, making each dive unique and fascinating. Local conservation efforts, such as protected marine reserves, contribute to preserving these fragile ecosystems, allowing visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of Nosy Be while respecting the environment.

Boat Excursions around Nosy Be

Neighboring Islands to Visit

A boat excursion around Nosy Be is a must-do experience to discover the neighboring islands and their natural beauty. Nosy Komba, also known as Lemur Island, is a popular destination where you can observe these adorable primates in their natural habitat. Nosy Sakatia, on the other hand, is perfect for a relaxing day with its peaceful beaches and hiking trails offering panoramic views of the ocean.

Nosy Iranja is another island not to be missed, famous for its sandbank connecting its two islets at low tide. This island is ideal for a day of exploration and swimming in crystal-clear waters. Boat excursions to these islands not only offer breathtaking landscapes, but also unique opportunities to discover the local flora and fauna.

Water Activities to Enjoy

In addition to island visits, Nosy Be offers a multitude of water activities for thrill-seekers and adventurers. Snorkeling is one of the most popular activities, allowing you to explore the coral reefs and observe marine life up close without the need for deep diving. The clear and shallow waters around Nosy Be are perfect for this activity.

For those looking for more dynamic experiences, jet skiing, paddleboarding, and kayaking are also available. Fishing enthusiasts will find happiness by participating in big game fishing trips, where they can try to catch species such as marlin, tuna, and barracuda. Boat excursions in Nosy Be offer a multitude of options to fully enjoy the Indian Ocean and its wonders.

Exploring fishing villages

Meeting the locals

Exploring the fishing villages around Nosy Be is an excellent way to discover the local culture and meet the locals. Villages like Ambatoloaka and Dzamandzar offer an authentic glimpse into the daily lives of Malagasy fishermen. You will be welcomed with warmth and hospitality, and have the opportunity to exchange with the locals about their traditions and way of life.

Guided tours organized by local companies, such as Madagascar Trip’s & Pic’s, allow for an enriching cultural immersion by discovering traditional fishing practices, canoe-making techniques, and local markets. These authentic encounters will leave you with lasting memories and a better understanding of Malagasy culture.

Traditions and way of life

The fishing villages of Nosy Be are imbued with ancestral traditions and simple yet value-rich ways of life. Artisanal fishing is at the heart of the local economy, and fishing techniques passed down from generation to generation are still used today. You can observe fishermen setting out to sea at dawn and returning with their catches of the day, which they then sell at local markets.

By visiting these villages, you will also discover the importance of beliefs and rituals in the daily life of the inhabitants. Traditional ceremonies, dances, and songs are an integral part of the local culture and are often organized to celebrate important events. This immersion in the traditions and ways of life of the fishing villages of Nosy Be will offer you a unique perspective on the island’s cultural richness.

Accommodation and dining in Nosy Be

Accommodation options

Nosy Be offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. From luxury hotels to beachfront bungalows, and even family guesthouses, there is something for everyone. Resort complexes such as Andilana Beach Resort and Ravintsara Wellness Hotel offer high-end services, spas, and gourmet restaurants for an unforgettable stay experience.

For those who prefer a more intimate and authentic ambiance, eco-lodges, and guesthouses like Nosy Be Hotel & Spa and Vanila Hotel & Spa are excellent options. These establishments focus on environmental sustainability and local culture, offering a closer experience with nature and the locals. Whatever your choice, you will find suitable accommodation in Nosy Be.

Local gastronomy

The cuisine of Nosy Be is a true delight for the taste buds, with influences from Madagascar, France, and Creole cuisine. Fresh seafood such as shrimp, crabs, and grilled fish are must-tries in the local cuisine. Beachfront restaurants like Chez Nono and Le Papillon offer delicious dishes in an idyllic setting, providing an unforgettable culinary experience.

Do not miss tasting the local specialties such as ravitoto (pounded cassava leaves), romazava (meat and vegetable stew), and koba (rice and banana cake). The local markets are also a great opportunity to discover fresh produce and spices from Nosy Be, as well as to taste typical snacks such as sambos (stuffed beignets) and mofo baolina (sweet beignets). The gastronomy of Nosy Be is a true invitation to a sensory journey.

Practical tips for a successful stay

Best times to visit

The best time to visit Nosy Be extends from May to October, during the dry season. During this period, the climate is pleasant with average temperatures around 25°C and low humidity. It is also the ideal time for water activities and outdoor excursions, as the weather conditions are stable and favorable.

The rainy season, from November to April, is characterized by higher temperatures and frequent rainfall. Although this period is less conducive to outdoor activities, it nevertheless offers green landscapes and abundant wildlife. If you want to observe humpback whales, the period from July to September is most appropriate, as this is when they migrate to the waters of Nosy Be.

Safety and health tips

To ensure a pleasant and worry-free stay in Nosy Be, it is important to take some safety and health precautions. Make sure you are up to date with your vaccinations, including yellow fever and hepatitis A and B. It is also recommended to take precautions against malaria by using mosquito repellents and sleeping under a mosquito net.

As far as security is concerned, Nosy Be is generally a safe destination for travelers. However, it is always advisable to be vigilant, especially in tourist areas and markets. Avoid wearing valuables or large sums of money and prefer to use safes in your accommodation. By following these tips, you can fully enjoy your stay in Nosy Be with peace of mind.


What is the best time to visit Nosy Be?

The best time to visit Nosy Be is from May to October, during the dry season. The weather conditions are ideal for outdoor activities, with pleasant temperatures and low humidity.

What activities can be done in Nosy Be?

In Nosy Be, you can go diving, snorkeling, take boat trips, go fishing, hiking, and much more. The island also offers opportunities to explore fishing villages and discover the local culture.

How to get around the island of Nosy Be?

To get around Nosy Be, you can use taxis, tuk-tuks, or rent a scooter or car. The roads are generally in good condition, and the distances are short, which makes transportation easier.

What are the typical dishes to try in Nosy Be?

In Nosy Be, don’t miss the chance to try local specialties such as ravitoto, romazava, koba, and fresh seafood. Local markets also offer a variety of typical snacks to discover.

Is it necessary to speak Malagasy to visit Nosy Be?

It is not necessary to speak Malagasy to visit Nosy Be. French is widely spoken and understood, and you can easily communicate with locals and service providers.


In conclusion, Nosy Be is a dream destination that offers a multitude of unforgettable experiences for all types of travelers. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, an adventure lover, a cultural explorer, or a photographer in search of breathtaking landscapes, Nosy Be has something to captivate you. The natural riches, local traditions, and warmth of the people make this island a unique place to discover.

To make your stay even more memorable, Madagascar Trip’s & Pic’s offers a range of services tailored to your desires, ranging from personalized tours and explorations of fauna and flora to immersive cultural experiences and adventure activities. Whether you want to go hiking, paragliding, explore nature, or go on a motorcycle tour, Madagascar Trip’s & Pic’s will meet your expectations and offer you an unforgettable experience in Nosy Be. Don’t wait any longer to plan your trip and discover this gem of the Indian Ocean.

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